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点击量: 792 发布时间: 2019-09-20 16:58 微信号:18064481435


Amnesty (大赦) Interational is a world-wide volunteer organization funded entirely by subscriptions and donations.It is totally independent of any government, political faction, ideology, economic interest or religious creed.
The organization works for the release of "Prisoners of Conscience" -men, women and children imprisoned anywhere for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion.It also seeks fair and immediate trial for all political prisoners detained (拘留) without charge, and opposes torture and the degrading treatment of prisoners.It is also against the death penalty for all types of crime.
Amnesty works by collecting information.When it has proof that a person is a " Prisoner of Conscience" , that person's case is handed over to a local group.The local groups are ordinary individuals who believe in Amnesty's work.They send letters to governments, embassies, leading newspapers and the prisoner's family and friends.They also collect signatures and raise money to send medicine, food and clothing to the prisoners and their families.These volunteers use their freedom of speech to win the same freedom for their adopted prisoner.
Paradoxically, Amnesty International is an organization that will only be satisfied when it has become redundant (多余的) .
[单选题] Amnesty International is supported__.(1分)
A  by people with left-wing views
B  in part by government assistance
C  with goods given by some organizations
D  by people who give money or subscribe to the organization

Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings.
They point out that at a circus, for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely, you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them.
Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia, for example, pigeons which are birds with good eyesight, are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others, it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour.
Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars, and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains.
[单选题] Which of the following is not true?(1分)
A  Scientists consider apes may drive trains some day
B  Apes have worked in some factories
C  Apes may one day be used to gather crop
D  An ape is not a large monkey

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