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2014年10月福建自考专升本《英语二 》真题 第六部分

点击量: 1785 发布时间: 2019-08-16 10:45 微信号:18064481435



  Labor Market Decline
  The decline of the labor market is easy to misinterpret (interpret). There are many reasons for that. During the 1970s, large numbers of women and young adults  41  (bear) during the baby boom entered into the work force. That  42  ( result) in too many workers for the jobs available and depressed wages. The decline also has something to do with the explosive  43  (grow) in world trade since 1960. As   44  (manufacture) technologies have become more mobile, production jobs have  45  (move) from the U. S. to countries where wages are low. In  46   (add), technology itself has helped to cause the shifts in the job market. For example,  47(few) American workers are needed to make steel today than in the past, because new  48  ( machine)  have made many of their tasks  49  (necessary). Finally, the high rate of  50  (employment) caused by these factors has tended to drive wages down further.

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